How it all Started
The roots of the R.E. Olds Chapter are deep. From 1972 to 1983, an informal group of Oldsmobile Club of America (OCA) members had been operating as an informal chapter, organizing and hosting several OCA National car meets in Lansing and East Lansing, Michigan. In 1984, the R. E. Olds Chapter was officially chartered as a chapter of the parent OCA organization. As stated in our By-Laws, this chapter is dedicated to: “. . . further the interest in all types of Oldsmobiles within this geographic region and to aid in the promoting of events of interest in and around the home community of Oldsmobile.

March 1984
Chapter officially chartered as the R.E. Olds Central Michigan Chapter of the
Oldsmobile Club of America
July 1985
First Chapter newsletter published
October 1985
Chapter newsletter named the Rocket Review in a contest won by Judy Badgley
April 1988
Membership reaches 100 members, first member name tags issued
January 1990
Chapter jackets became available
Our Chapter's first website consisted of a link on the Hemmings Motor News website.
They provided this service to car related organizations. After using this method for
a year, it was decided we need our own domain. On December 20, 2004 our own website was up and running.

January 2005
Without benefit of an earthquake, Editor Wayne Mason redesigned the Chapter logo by
moving the Upper Peninsula to its proper location
Chapter Celebrated their 25th year of existence.
Website is transformed from its previous state to a modern interactive site to
better promote the club and allow for more online interaction between members and
Oldsmobile enthusiasts from around the world.